English idioms are a fascinating part of the language. They are expressions with meanings that are not immediately obvious from the literal interpretation of the words. Learning idioms is essential for achieving fluency and understanding the cultural nuances of English. Here are some of the most commonly used idioms, their meanings, and examples of how to use them.
some common English idioms
Pitch in
Meaning: to contribute.
Example:“Would you please pitch in to dad’s birthday present?”
Face the music
Meaning: to accept a punishment or bad consequence.
Example:“My mother is angry with me. It is time to go home and face the music.”
Blow off steam
Meaning: to get rid of stress or negative feelings.
Example:“I am going to a party tonight to blow off steam.”
My cup of tea
Meaning: something that is a personal preference.
Example:“I love your dress. It is exactly my cup of tea.”
Go with the flow
Meaning: to agree with what is happening and to copy what others are doing.
Example:“I do not have a preference of where we go for dinner. I will go with the flow.”
Piece of cake
Meaning: something is easy.
Example:“My science homework was a piece of cake!”
Up in the air
Meaning: things are inconclusive or unfinished.
Example:“Our group project is not yet done. It is totally up in the air.”
Cool as a cucumber
Meaning: to be relaxed or calm.
Example:“I am not nervous for the exam. I am as cool as a cucumber.”
Stab in the back
Meaning: to betray someone.
Example:“He stabbed me in the back!”
Sit tight
Meaning: to wait patiently.
Example:“There is no rush. You should sit tight.”
Hit the sack
Meaning: to go to bed.
Example:“I am tired so I am going to hit the sack.”
Smart cookie
Meaning: someone who is clever.
Example:“You have scored highly in the test. You must be a smart cookie.”
On the ball
Meaning: to be ready for something or to be ahead of something.
Example:“I have completed all of my chores already. I am on the ball this morning!”
Break the bank
Meaning: something is very expensive.
Example:“I cannot buy this car because it will break the bank.”
Run a mile
Meaning: To be scared or displeased by something and want to leave.
Example:"Every time I was around him I wanted to run a mile."
Get over
Meaning: to recover from something.
Example:"It was sad but think I have now gotten over the death of my goldfish."
Under the Weather
Meaning: Feeling unwell or sick.
Example: I won’t be able to come to work today; I’m feeling under the weather.
Kick the Bucket
Meaning: A colloquial way of saying someone has passed away.
Example: The phrase “kick the bucket” is often used humorously in storytelling.
English Idioms may seem challenging at first, but with practice, they can become a fun and natural part of your English vocabulary. So, the next time someone uses an idiom, you’ll understand exactly what they mean, and maybe even impress them by using one yourself!
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