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Image by Alissa De Leva

Trinity College London Exam Centre

We are a registered exam centre for Trinity College London and  can help you prepare for and take a range of exams to help you prove your English language abilities.

We are the only Trinity exam centre in Salford and the only one in the Greater Manchester area to offer ISE, GESE and ESOL exams.

Trinity’s ISE exams assess all four language skills - reading, writing, speaking and listening. During this exam, all four skills are tested in an integrated way, reflecting how these skills are used in real-life situations.

ISE has been designed for young people and adults, typically at school, college or university. It is also suitable for teachers who require a respected English language qualification.


ISE levels are mapped to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and consist of 5 levels: ISE Foundation (A2), ISE I is mapped (B1), ISE II (B2), ISE III (C1) and ISE IV (C2).

There are two exam modules, Reading & Writing and Speaking & Listening, which can be taken together or separately when you are ready. Reading & Writing modules are taken as controlled written exams at our centre and Speaking & Listening assessments are one-to-one and can be taken either in-person, or online via video conference at our centre. 

ISE qualifications are used as evidence of English language proficiency and are recognised by an ever growing number of universities, governments and institutions around the world. This exam is also a government-approved test for settlement and visa application purposes.

ISE - Integrated Skills in English exams

​GESE exams are for people of all ages who want to develop communicative English language speaking and listening skills for use in real life - whatever the purpose, whether for immigration, work, study, leisure or employment.


GESE is split into 12 levels that are grouped into 4 stages and are mapped to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR):

The exam consists of a one-to-one oral assessment between the candidate and an examiner, lasting from 5 minutes to 25 minutes depending on the stage.


Trinity's GESE qualifications provide individuals and institutions with reliable evidence of English language speaking skills at different levels from beginner to advanced. This exam is also a government-approved test for settlement and visa application purposes.

GESE - Graded Examinations in Spoken English

ESOL Skills for Life

Trinity's ESOL Skills for Life qualifications are designed to aid progression and access into mainstream education and employment paths where English language skills are a requirement.

These qualifications are for adults aged 16 and over living in the UK who need English language skills for everyday life, for study and for employment. 

ESOL is available at five levels, these levels are: Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, Level 1 and Level 2.

The exams consist of a conversation with an examiner and a group discussion with an examiner for Speaking & Listening, a controlled exam for Writing and a controlled exam for Reading. The length and difficulty of these exams increase with each level.

ESOL Skills for Life qualifications provide individuals and institutions with reliable evidence of the use of English language skills at different levels from Entry 1 to Level 2.

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